Self-Billing Agreement

This is an agreement to a self-billing procedure between:

M4 Recruitment Limited AND {Company Name} 

The self-biller (the customer) agrees:

  1. To issue self-billed invoices for all supplies made to them by the self-billee (the supplier) until  /    /    (insert either an end date for the agreement or the date your contract ends)
  2. To complete self-billed invoices showing the supplier’s name, address and VAT registration number, together with all the other details which constitute a full VAT
  3. To make a new self-billing agreement in the event that their VAT registration number changes.
  4. To inform the supplier if the issue of self-billed invoices will be outsourced to a third

The self-billee agrees:

  1. To accept invoices raised by the self-biller on their behalf until  /    /          (insert either an end date for the agreement or the date your contract ends).
  2. Not to raise sales invoices for the transactions covered by this agreement
  3. To notify the customer immediately if they
    • change their VAT registration number
    • cease to be VAT registered, or
    • sell their business or part of their business
Signed by ………………………………. Signed by ……………………………….
On behalf of ………………………………. On behalf of ………………………………
Date ………………………………. Date ……………………………….